Energy Leadership Index Assessment

As individuals, we view the world through filters (based on our experiences, values, assumptions, etc.). Those filters will either limit what we see (like tunnel vison) or expand what we see (like a prism) and, thus, impact how we perceive and what we think about our circumstances. This, in turn, impacts how we show up in different situations.

The Energy Leadership Index Assessment reveals what specific filters you’ve developed and how those filters are influencing the results you’re achieving. It helps you see how different energy shows up in your home and work life; how your thinking and/or your life situations might be creating stress for you and what we can do about that; and to uncover internal energy blocks, which are holding you back from success, happiness, and purpose.

The assessment measures your Energetic Profile, which is your energetic frame of reference. It is the filter, or lens, through which you experience the world in all dimensions – spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, etc. The assessment also shows your energetic reaction to stress. This is important because recognizing your reaction to stress is the first step toward reducing the level of stress you experience. Both your Energetic Profile and your Energetic Stress reaction are indicators of:

  1. your CURRENT potential leadership ability. This is the current potential you have for motivating and inspiring not only others from all aspects of your life, but yourself as well, to take positive, purposeful action and achieve success;
  2. your CURRENT level of engagement in life (how emotionally and intellectually involved you currently are in what you do and who you’re with); and
  3. your CURRENT level of consciousness, your awareness about who you are and what life is about.

Most people just go through the motions in life; and are mostly to somewhat disengaged from true passion and fulfillment. When they become more conscious and engaged, judgement lessens, stress lessens, and productivity, pleasure, and the feeling of purpose and fulfillment increase.

After taking the Assessment, we will cover your results, we’ll answer your questions. If you are than prepared to have us work with you, we’ll come up with some strategies for your development. And after that, if you like, we can talk about how you can take the information we’ve come up with and put it into action for your benefit. We can also talk about next steps for you in terms of removing blocks to reaching your short-term goals, as well as what you can accomplish on a log-term basis once those blocks are out of the way.

To order the Assessment go to the Services and Cost section to see the details.